as well green and raw, as confected and prepared.
Original French: tant verde & crude, que confiƈte & præparée.
Modern French: tant verde & crude, que conficte & praeparée.
Pantagruel loaded his ships with Pantagruelion tant verde & crude, “green as well as raw” (Pantagruelion is a feminine noun).
In Chapter 51, Rabelais notes, “Si promptement voulez guerir une bruslure, soit d’eaue, soit de feu, applicquez y du Pantagruelion crud, c’est à dire tel qui naist de terre, sans aultre appareil ne composition” (Pantagruelion is a masculine noun).
That is to say, take it as it comes out of the ground, without bestowing any other preparation or composition.
On dit de certains fruits, qu’Ils sont confits sur l’arbre, quand ils sont extremement meurs & cuits par le soleil.
Mirkiel li apoticaires vend plusieurs espices, et si mainte plaines de confections et maint pot plain de cirops (Dialog. fr.-flam, folio 16, Michelant.)
Pantagruelion crude
In Chapter 51, Rabelais recommends “…applicquez y du Pantagruelion crud, c’eſt a dire tel qui naiſt de terre, ſans aultre appareil ne compoſition.”
“Apply raw [crud] Pantagruelion, that is to say, take it as it cometh out of the ground, without bestowing any other preparation or composition upon it.” [Smith’s translation]
Forms: 4 confeccioun, 5-6 -ion, 5-7 -fexion, 5 -fectyone, 6 -tione, -feccyon, (-feccon), 5- confection. [a. F. confection, OF. confeccion, ad. L. confecti]n-em, n. of action from confic]re: see CONFECT v.]
1. Making or preparation by mixture of ingredients; mixing, compounding; composition, preparation, making up, manufacture. Sometimes esp. the making of preserves or confectionery.
1584 R. SCOT Disc. Witchcr. XII. xvii. 212 There be artificial glasses, which will shew unto you..many images.. Looke in John Bap. Neap. for the confection of such glasses.
1615 CROOKE Body of Man 128 For a confection of some kinde of bloud.
2. The performance of the sacrifice of the mass. Obs.
3. Putting together; arrangement; compilation.
4. Prepared or composed state or condition; composition, constitution. Obs.
1609 BIBLE (Douay) Ecclus. xlix. 1 The memorie of Josias is according to the confection of perfume made by…an apothecarie.
1633 P. FLETCHER Pisc. Ecl. V. xix, Why blam’st thou then my stonie hard confection, Which nothing loves?
5. A preparation made by mixing; a composition, mixture, compound. Obs. in general sense.
1621 BURTON Anat. Mel. II. iv. I. iv, Potable Gold, Mercury, and many other chymicall confections.
b. A medicinal preparation compounded of various drugs; in later use, spec. one compounded with a sweetening and preserving agent.
c1400 Lanfranc’s Cirurg. 94 (MS. A) Leie on this confeccioun maad of flour of wheete & honey & jus of smalache.
1549 Compl. Scot. ix. 80 That confectione vas callit to name eftiruart, antidotum mitridates.
1585 LLOYD Treas. Health Bv, Make a confeccon of the floure of Fenell Seede in a Glasse with wyne and annoynt the head therwyth.
1611 BIBLE Ecclus. xxxviii. 8 Of such doeth the Apothecarie make a confection [WYCLIF pymentis of swotenesse].
c. spec. A prepared poison, a deadly potion.
1547-64 BAULDWIN Mor. Philos. I. li, After he [Socrates] had commended his soule to God, hee dranke the confection.
1586 A. DAY Engl. Secretarie II. (1625) 98 A venemous confection.
1611 SHAKES. Cymb. V. v. 246.
1658 USSHER Ann. VI. 572 Well skilled in Confections of the poyson of Serpents.
d. A prepared dish or delicacy; now, a preparation of fruit, spices, sugar, or the like, used as a relish or dainty; a preserve, sweetmeat, comfit.
c1440 Promp. Parv. 90 Confectyon of spyces.
a1536 TINDALE Expos. Matt. (Parker Soc.) 97 To banquet…of all manner of fruits and confections.
1583 STUBBES Anat. Abus. I. (1877) 102 Sweet condyments and delicat confections of spiceries.
1626 BACON Sylva §705 They have in Turkey certaine Confections, which they call Serbets, which are like Candied Conserves.