



Original French:  Pouliot,

Modern French:  Pouliot,

Among the plants that, like Pantagruelion, have two sexes.



Pulegium Poley

Leonhart Fuchs [1501 – 1566]
De historia stirpium commentarii insignes…
Basil: In Officina Isingriniana, 1542
Smithsonian Library


Pline, XX, 54, distingue le pouliot mâle du pouliot remelle : «Femina pulegii… est autem haec flore purpureo, mas candidum habet. » Les mots mâle et femelle ne traduisent ici que des variations de coloris; et in n;y a qu’un pouliot, hermaphrodite comme les autres Labiées : Mentha pulegium L. (Paul Delaunay)

François Rabelais [ca. 1483–1553]
Oeuvres. Tome Cinquieme: Tiers Livre. Édition critique
p. 343
Abel Lefranc [1863-1952], editor
Paris: Librairie Ancienne Honoré Champion, 1931


Magna societas cum hac ad recreandos defectos animo puleio cum surculis suis in ampullas vitreas aceti utrisque deiectis. qua de causa dignior e puleio corona Varroni quam e rosa cubiculis nostris pronuntiata est, nam et capitis dolores inposita dicitur levare, quin et olfactu capita tueri contra frigorum aestusque iniuriam et ab siti traditur, neque aestuare eos qui duos e puleio surculos inpositos auribus in sole habeant. inlinitur etiam in doloribus cum polenta et aceto. femina efficacior. est autem haec flore purpureo. mas candidum habet. nausia cum sale et polenta in frigida aqua pota inhibet, sic et pectoris dolorem, stomachi autem ex aqua. item rosiones sistit et vomitiones cum aceto et polenta, alvum solvit ex sale et aceto et polenta. intestinorum vitia melle decocta et nitro sanat, urinam pellit ex vino et, si Amineum sit, et calculos et interiores omnes dolores. ex melle et aceto sedat menstrua et secundas, vulvas conversas corrigit defunctos partus eicit. semen obmutescentibus olfactu admovetur, comitialibus in aceto cyathi mensura datur. si aquae insalubres bibendae sint, tritum aspergitur. lassitudines corporis, si cum vino datur, minuit, nervorum causa et in contractione cum sale et aceto, et melle infricatur in opisthotono. bibitur ad serpentium ictus decoctum, ad scorpionum in vino tritum, maxime quod in siccis nascitur. ad oris exulcerationes, ad tussim efficax habetur. flos recentis incensus pulices necat odore. Xenocrates pulei ramum lana involutum in tertianis ante accessionem olfactandum dari aut stragulis subici et ita collocari aegrum inter remedia tradit.

Pennyroyal and mint are strong allies in reviving people who have fainted, both being put, in whole sprays, into glass bottles full of vinegar. For this reason Varro declared that a garland of pennyroyal was more suited to our bedrooms than one of roses, for an application is said to relieve headache; moreover, its very smell protects the head, so it is reported, against injury from cold or heat, and from thirst, nor do they suffer from the heat who carry when they are in the sun two sprays of pennyroyal behind their ears. It is also applied with pearl barley and vinegar for pains. The female plant is the more efficacious. This has a mauve flower, but the male a white one. Taken in cold water with salt and pearl barley it checks nausea; in this form pains in the chest also, and in water by itself pains in the stomach. Likewise it checks gnawings and vomiting if taken with vinegar and pearl barley; in salt, vinegar and pearl barley it loosens the bowels. Boiled with honey and soda it cures complaints of the intestines; in wine it is diuretic, and if the wine be Aminean it disperses both stone and all internal pains. In honey and vinegar it relieves menstruation and the after-birth, replaces displaced uterus and expels the dead foetus. Its seed is given to smell in cases of aphasia; to epileptics it is administered with vinegar in doses of one cyathus. If unwholesome water has to be drunk, pounded pennyroyal is sprinkled on it. It relieves physical tiredness if taken in wine; it is rubbed with salt and vinegar on the sinews, and when these are contracted, and with honey for opisthotonic tetanus. A decoction is drunk for serpent bites; pounded it is taken in wine for stings of scorpions, especially if the pennyroyal be grown on dry soil. It is supposed to be good for ulcerations of the mouth, and for cough. The flower of the freshly gathered plant, when burnt, kills fleas by its smell. Xenocrates includes in his prescriptions the administering of a sprig of pennyroyal wrapped in wool to be smelt by sufferers from tertian ague before an attack of fever, or its being placed under the bedclothes for the patient to lie on.

Pliny the Elder [23–79 AD]
The Natural History. Volume 6: Books 20–23
William Henry Samuel Jones [1876–1963], translator
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1951
Loeb Classical Library


Pouiot. m. Penniroyall, Pulial’royall, pudding-grasse, Lurkydish.

Randle Cotgrave [–1634?]
A Dictionarie of the French and English Tongue
London: Adam Islip, 1611



Posted 22 January 2013. Modified 8 July 2018.

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