but before, to you [I] interpret the denomination of this.
Original French: ſi dauant, vous interprete la denomination d’icelle.
Modern French: si davant, vous interprète la denomination d’icelle.
names of plants
Fuit quidem et hic quondam ambitus nominibus suis eas adoptandi, ut docebimus fecisse reges. tanta res videbatur herbam invenire, vitam iuvare, nunc fortassis aliquis curam hanc nostram frivolam quoque existimaturis; adeo deliciis sordent etiam quae ad salutem pertinent. auctores tamen quarum inveniuntur in primis celebrari par est effectu earum digesto in genera morborum
It was one of the ambitions of the past to give one’s name [A common phrase in Pliny is nomine adoptare, “to give a name to a thing”] to a plant, as we shall point out was done by kings. It was thought a great honour to discover a plant and be of assistance to human life, although now perhaps some will think that these researches of mine are just idle trifling. So paltry in the eyes of Luxury are even the things that conduce to our health. It is but right, however, to mention in the first place the plants whose discoverers can be found, with their properties classified according to the kinds of disease for which they are a remedy. To reflect indeed on this makes one pity the lot of man; besides chances and changes and the strange happenings that every hour brings, there are thousands of diseases that every mortal has to dread.
The Natural History. Volume 7: Books 24–27
William Henry Samuel Jones [1876–1963], translator
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1956
Loeb Classical Library
la denomination
Ce sujet est cher à l’érudition de la Renaissance; ainsi Boaistuau consacrera partiellement le chap. 23 de ses Histoires prodigieuses à la dénomination des plantes. Rabelais a certainement utilisé le livre de Charles Estienne, De Latinis et Graecis nominibus arborum, fructicum, herbarum, piscium et auium (2° éd., 1545); mais ces préoccupations sont inspirées par Pline lui-même, dont le livre XXV de l’Hist. naturelle fourmit une grande partie de la matière.
Le Tiers Livre. Edition critique
p. 452
Jean Céard, editor
Librarie Général Français, 1995
la denomination d’icelle
Cette énumération de plantes classées, le nom de l’inventeur, du pays d’origine, etc., est inspirée de Pline (Histoire naturelle, XXV) et de Charles Estienne (De latinis et grecis nominibus arborum, fructicum, etc.). Elle évoque par la même occasion de nombreuses légendes, comme celle de Panace, fille d’Esculape, de Télèphe blessé devant Troi et guéri par Achille, etc.
Le Tiers Livre
p. 560
Pierre Michel, editor
Paris: Gallimard, 1966