clymenos from Clymenus;
Original French: Clymenos, de Clymenus:
Modern French: Clymenos, de Clymenus:
Among the plants named from those who first invented, discovered, cultivated, domesticated, or appropriated them.
Periclymenus Geyssblatt
Lonicera caprifolium L.
Ancient Greek: periklumenon
De historia stirpium commentarii insignes…
Basil: In Officina Isingriniana, 1542
Smithsonian Library
Honeysuckle. Pliny xxv. 7 (?), § 33.
The Five Books and Minor Writings. Volume 1: Books I-III
William Francis Smith [1842–1919], translator
London: Alexader P. Watt, 1893
Climène, roi d’Arcadie. « Clymenyus a rege herba appellata est ». Pline, XXV, 33. C’est d’après Fée, περιχλνμενον de Dioscoride, (IV, 14), notre Lonicera periclymenum, L., ou chèvrefeuille. Quant au χλιμενον de Dioscoride (IV, 13), c’est, pour Sibthorp, Convolvulus sepium, L. ; pour Sprengel, Lathyrus clymenus, L.
Oeuvres. Tome Cinquieme: Tiers Livre. Édition critique
p. 347
Abel Lefranc [1863-1952], editor
Paris: Librairie Ancienne Honoré Champion, 1931
Clymenus a rege herba appellata est, hederae foliis,ramosa,caule inani articulis praecincto, odore gravi et semine hederae, silvestribus et montuosis nascens. quibus morbis pota medeatur dicemus, sed hic indicandum est, dum medeatur, sterilitatem pota etiam viris fieri. Graeci plantagini similem esse dixerunt, caule quadrato, folliculis cum semine inter se inplexis veluti polyporum cirris. et sucus autem in usu, vi summa in refrigerando.
Clymenus is a plant called after the king of that name. It has leaves like those of ivy, many branches, a hollow stem girded with joints, a strong smell, and seed like that of ivy; it grows in wooded, hilly districts. I shall say later what diseases it cures if taken in drink; but at the moment I must point out that, while it cures, even men are made sterile by the draught. The Greeks have said that it is like the plantain, with a square stem and seed-bags intertwined like the tentacles of the polypus. The juice too is used in medicine, as it has very great powers of cooling.
The Natural History. Volume 7: Books 24–27
William Henry Samuel Jones [1876–1963], translator
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1956
Loeb Classical Library
Thus clymene or honeysuckle, named for Clymenus, King of Arcady…
Complete works of Rabelais
Jacques LeClercq [1891–1971], translator
New York: Modern Library, 1936
Roi d’Arcadie (Pline, XXV, xxxiii).
Œuvres complètes
p. 503, n. 11
Mireille Huchon, editor
Paris: Gallimard, 1994