



Original French:  Sabine,

Modern French:  Sabine,




Schöffer, Peter (ca. 1425–ca. 1502), [R]ogatu plurimo[rum] inopu[m] num[m]o[rum] egentiu[m] appotecas refuta[n]tiu[m] occasione illa, q[uia] necessaria ibide[m] ad corp[us] egru[m] specta[n]tia su[n]t cara simplicia et composita. Mainz: 1484. Plate 75. Botanicus



Meydenbach, Jacob, Ortus Sanitatis. Mainz, Germany: 1491. 106v. University of Cambridge Digital Library



Meydenbach, Jacob, Ortus Sanitatis. Mainz, Germany: 1491. 143v. University of Cambridge Digital Library

Juniperus (text)

Juniperus (text)

Meydenbach, Jacob, Ortus Sanitatis. Mainz, Germany: 1491. 106v. University of Cambridge Digital Library

Juniperus sabina

Juniperus sabina

Fuchs, Leonhart (1501 – 1566), De historia stirpium commentarii insignes…. Basil: In Officina Isingriniana, 1542. Smithsonian Library


Herba Sabina brathy appellata a Graecis duorum generum est, altera tamarici folio similis, altera cupressi. quare quidam Creticam cupressum dixerunt. a multis in suffitus pro ture adsumitur, in medicamentis vero duplicato pondere eosdem effectus habere quos cinnamum traditur. collectiones minuit et nomas conpescit, inlita ulcera purgat, partus emortuos adposita extrahit et suffita. inlinitur igni sacro et carbunculis cum melle; ex vino pota regio morbo medetur. gallinacii generis pituitas fumo eius herbae sanari tradunt.

Sabine herb, called brathy by the Greeks, is of two kinds. One has a leaf like that of the tamarisk, the other like that of the cypress, for which reason some have called it the Cretan cypress. Many use it instead of frankincense for fumigations; in medicines moreover a double dose is said to be equivalent in strength to a single dose of cinnamon. It reduces gatherings and checks corroding sores; an application cleanses ulcers, and used as a pessary or for fumigation it brings away the dead foetus. With honey it is used as an ointment for erysipelas and carbuncles; taken in wine it cures jaundice. By fumigation sabine herb is said to cure the pip in chickens.

Pliny the Elder (23–79 AD), The Natural History. Volume 7: Books 24–27. William Henry Samuel Jones (1876–1963), translator. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1956. 24.61. Loeb Classical Library


Pliny xxiv. 11, § 61.

Rabelais, François (ca. 1483–1553), The Five Books and Minor Writings. Volume 1: Books I-III. William Francis Smith (1842–1919), translator. London: Alexader P. Watt, 1893. Internet Archive


Arbrisseau commun en Italie dans le pays des Sabins: « Herba sabina… duorum generum est », dit Pline, XXIV, 61. Les deux espèces distinguées par cet auteut ne sont, pour Fée, que deux var. du Juniperus Sabina L. (Junipéracée). (Paul Delaunay)

Rabelais, François (ca. 1483–1553), Oeuvres. Édition critique. Tome Cinquieme: Tiers Livre. Abel Lefranc (1863-1952), editor. Paris: Librairie Ancienne Honoré Champion, 1931. p. 350. Internet Archive


sabine, or oleander, from the Sabine province, north of Rome…

Rabelais, François (ca. 1483–1553), Complete works of Rabelais. Jacques LeClercq (1891–1971), translator. New York: Modern Library, 1936.


Sabine. [adaptation of Latin Sabinus]

Of or pertaining to the Sabines:

1600 Philemon Holland, translator tr. Livy’s Romane Hist. i. 8 And the youth of Rome upon a token and watch-word given, fell on every side to carrie away the Sabine maidens.

1606 Jonson Hymenaei sig. Cv, The Speare, which (in the Sabine tongue) was called Curis.

1697 Dryden Æneid viii. 842 Sabine dames.

1756 C. Smart tr. Horace, Satires i. ix. (1826) II. 75 An old Sabine sorceress.

One of a race of ancient Italy who inhabited the central region of the Apennines.

1387 John de Trevisa Higden (Rolls) III. 61 Tacius kyng of Sabyns was i-slawe by assent of Romulus.

1533 Bellenden Livy i. iv. (S.T.S.) I. 29 Ane huge nowmer of Sabinis with þare wyiffis, barnis, & servandis.

1601 Philemon Holland, translator Pliny’s History of the world, commonly called the Natural historie I. 65 The Sabines… dwell hard by the Veline lakes.

1783 W. Gordon tr. Livy’s Rom. Hist. (1823) I. xxxviii. 70 The Sabines fled to the Mountains.

Transferred sense in allusion to the proverb Sabini quod volunt somniant, `the Sabines dream what they will’ (Festus).

1610 Philomen Holland, translator Camden’s Brit. 542 Grimsby, which our Sabins, or conceited persons dreaming what they list, and following their owne fansies, will have to be so called of one Grime a merchant.



Posted 27 January 2013. Modified 12 July 2018.

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