of Amate, wife of king Latin;
Original French: de Amate, femme du roy Latin:
Modern French: de Amate, femme du roy Latin:
Among people who finished their life high and short after a certain application of Pantagruelion.
This further fate befell the weary Latins, and shook the whole city to its base with grief: when from her palace the queen [Amate] sees the foe approaching, the walls assailed, flames mounting to the roofs, but nowhere Rutulian ranks or any troops of Turnus to meet them, the unhappy woman thinks that Turnus has been slain in combat and, her mind distraught by sudden anguish, cries out that she is the guilty source and spring of sorrows, and uttering many a wild word in the frenzy of grief, resolved to die she rends her purple robes, and from a lofty beam fastens the noose of a hideous death. As soon as the unhappy Latin women learned this disaster, first her daughter Lavinia, her hand tearing her golden tresses and rosy cheeks, falls into a frenzy, then all the throng around her; the wide halls ring with lamentations. From here the woeful rumour spreads throughout the town. Hearts sink; Latinus goes with rent raiment, dazed at his wife’s doom and his city’s downfall, defiling his hoary hair with showers of unclean dust, oft chiding himself that he did not give a ready welcome to Dardan Aeneas
Virgile parlant de cette Reine, Eneïd l. 12
Purpurcos moritura manu discindit amictur,
Et nodum informis lethi trahe nectit ab alta.
Amata. Virgil speaking of this Queen, Æneid l. xii
Purpureos meritura manu discindit amictus
Et noduium informis letbi trabe necit ab alta
Virgile, parlant de cette reine, Énéid., liv. XII:
Purpureos moritura manu discindit amictus,
Et nodum informis lethi trabe nectit ab alta.
Voy. Virgile, Æneid lib. XII.
Virgil, Aen. xii. 602.
Elle se pendit de rage, n’ayant pu empêcher le mariage de sa fille Lavinie avec Énée. Cf. Virgile, Énéide, XII, 602.
Amata, wife of King Latinus, who, furious at preventing her daughter Lavinia’s marriage to Æneas, spitefully selected this mode of suicide…
Virgile, Énéid, XII, v. 602-603; Amata, épouse du roi Latinus, se pendit pour n’avoir pas pu empêcher le mariage de sa fille Lavinie avec Enée.