Among people who finished their life high and short after a certain application of Pantagruelion.
Take care now, take care! For I am utterly ruthless against villains, and now toss my horns in readiness, like the son-in-law rejected by the treacherous Lycambes,1 or the fierce enemy of Bupalus.
1. Archilochus of Paros wrote his iambics in the seventh century B.C. According to tradition, Lycambes, after promising his daughter Neobule to the poet, reneged, whereupon Archilochus attacked them with such savage invective that they hanged themselves.
Lycambe ayant marié sa fille au pöete Archiloque, et ne la lui ayant pas livrée, en fut puni par des vers si mordants, qu’il se pendit de désespoir. D’où Horace, Epod., od. vi, a dit:
Qualis Lycambo spretus infido gener.
Et Ovide, Ibis:
Tincta Lycambæo sanguine tela dabit.
Belle-mère d’Archiloque; les vers satiriques de son gendre la forcèrent de se pendre.
Hor. Epod. vi. 13.
Citoyen de Thèbes, que les attaques du poete Archiloque poussèrent à se pendre. Cf. Horace, Épod., VI, 13, et Épîtres, I, 19, 25.
Lycambes, the Theban poet, attacked by his rival Archilochus.
Horace, Épodes, VI, v. 13 (poussé à se pendre par les attaques du poète Archiloque).