Verbenaca supina
Verbenaca supina sive foemina
Eisenkraut weible
Verbena officinalis L.
English: vervain
French: verveine officinale
Verbena officinalis L
alii fontemque ignemque ferebant
velati limo et verbena tempora vincti.
Rutulians and Teucrians had measured the field for the combat under the great city’s walls, and in the middle were preparing hearths and grassy altars to their common deities. Others were bringing fountain water and fire, draped in aprons and their brows bound with vervain.
De la nature de la vervenne, anciennement en usage dans les operations magiques.
De la nature de las verveine, anciennement en usage dans les opératons magiques.
Semblable à vervaine, magique.
Vervain (Lat. vervena), a kind of holy twigs or branches, such as myrtle, laurel, etc., which were carried or worn by the Roman Fetials, etc., on solemn or festive occasions. For most of this cf. Pliny xix §§ 2-6.
Ιερἀ βοτάνη, Diosc., IV, 61; verbenaca, hierabotane, peristereon, Pline XXV, 59. La verveine est une des trente-six herbes magiques énumérées au Livre Sacré d’Hermès Trismégiste; c’était également une plante sacrée chez les Gaulois; les Druides nettoyaient leurs autels avec de petits balais de verveine. La religion romaine en faisait aussi usage, au dire de Pline, et les magiciens l’employaient dans une foule de pratiques. La verveine des Anciens peut se rapporter: la mâle, à notre Verbena officinalis, L., la femelle à notre V. supina, L. Cf. J.-B. L. Bejottes, Le livre sacré d’Hermès Trismégiste et ses trente-six herbes magiques, 1911; et G. Hubert, Des Verbénacées utilisées en matiére médicale, Lechevrel, 1921. (Paul Delaunay)
herbe sacre
Cf. Virgile, Enéid, XII, 120, « Velati lino, et verbena tempora vincti » ; Servius, qui lit limo pour lino, commente ainsi le mot verbena : « Verbenas vocamus omnes frondes sacratas, ut set laurus, oliva et myrtus ».
La verveine était dans l’Antiquité une plante sacrée.
La verveine (verbena) était, pour les Anciens, une plante sacrée. Les âmes des morts exigent que leurs corps soient ensevelis dans des linceuls de pantagruélion.
vervain. Forms: verueyn(e, -veyn(e, -ueine, verveine, vervein, vervaine, wayne (warwayn), -uaine, vervain, veruen(e -ven. [adopted from Anglo-French and Old French verveine (13th century; Old French also vervainne, modern French verveine), adaptation of Latin verbena verbena.]
The common European and British herbaceous plant, Verbena officinalis, formerly much valued for its reputed medicinal properties. Also rarely, some other species of the genus Verbena, or the genus itself.
1390 John Gower Confessio amantis II. 262 Tok sche fieldwode and verveyne, Of herbes ben noght betre tueine.
C. 1400 Lanfranc’s Science of cirurgie 243 A 3elke of an eij, & as miche of oile of rosis, & as miche of iuys of verueine.
A. 1400 Stockholm Med. MS. ii. 315 in Anglia XVIII. 315 A lytyll wyl I tellyn of verwayne, Herbe þat meche is of mayne.
A. 1425 translation Arderne’s Treatise of fistula inano Fistula, etc. 64 Vitriol… made with Iuyse of moleyn, or of plantayne, or verueyn.
1611 Randle Cotgrave, A dictionarie of the French and English tongues, Verveine, Verueine, Holie hearbe, Iunoes teares.
1533 Sir Thomas Elyot The castel of helth (1541) 9 b, Thynges good for the eyes: Eyebryght: Fenell: Vervyn.
1548 William Turner The names of herbes in Greke, Latin, Englische, Duche, and Frenche ii. 162 The second kinde of Veruine… . The leaues of thys… are good agaynst… serpentes.
1567 John Maplet A green forest or a naturall historie, wherein may be seen … the most sufferaigne vertues in all … stones and mettals … plantes, herbes … brute beastes etc. 64 Veruen, of some after their language is called Holy Herbe.
1591 Thomas Lodge Hist. Dk. Normandy B ij b, Thou art like the veruen,… poyson one wayes, and pleasure an other.
1596 Thomas Cogan The hauen of health xxi. 41 Also one olde saying I haue heard of this herbe, That whosoeuer weareth Veruin and Dill, May be bold to sleepe on euery hill.
1597 John Gerard (or Gerarde) The herball, or general historie of plants ii. ccxxxv. 580 There be two kindes of Veruaine as Pliny saith, the male, and the female; or as others affirme, vpright, and creeping.
1671 William Salmon Synopsis medicinæ iii. xxii. 439 Vervain… is good against Tertian and Quartan Agues.
1782 J. Scott Poet. Wks. 97 Vervain blue for magic rites renown’d.
1830 Lindley Nat. Syst. In botany 239 The properties formerly ascribed to the Vervain appear to have been imaginary.