which of itself neither makes fire, flame, or coal,
Original French: lequel de ſoy ne faict feu, flambe, ne charbon:
Modern French: lequel de soy ne faict feu, flambe, ne charbon:
Properties of larch.
ne faict feu, flambe ne charbon
«Nec ardet, nec carbonem facit», dit du mélèze Ravisius Textor (Officina, «Arbores diuersæ»), après Pline, XVI, 10.
Le Tiers Livre. Edition critique
p. 474
Jean Céard, editor
Librarie Général Français, 1995
Omnia autem haec genera accensa fuligine inmodica carbonbe repente expuunt cum eruptionis crepitu eiaculanturque longe excepta larice quae nec ardet nec carbonem facit nec alio modo ignis vi consumitur quam lapides.
All these [resinous] kinds of trees when set fire to make an enormous quantity of sooty smoke and suddenly with an explosive crackle send out a splutter of charcoal and shoot it to a considerable distance—excepting the larch, which does not burn nor yet make charcoal, nor waste away from the action of fire any more than do stones
The Natural History. Volume 4: Books 12–16
Harris Rackham [1868–1944], translator
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1945
Loeb Classical Library