all human nature covered in the first position.
Original French: toute humaine nature couuerte en premiere poſition.
Modern French: toute humaine nature couverte en première position.
the first Position
i.e. lying down, covered with sheets.
François Rabelais [ca. 1483 – ca. 1553]
Gargantua and Pantagruel
William Francis Smith, translator
London, 1893
Gargantua and Pantagruel
William Francis Smith, translator
London, 1893
couvert en premiere position
No human but immediately upon birth is hastily wrapped up in it.
François Rabelais [ca. 1483 – ca. 1553]
Complete works of Rabelais
Jacques LeClercq, translator
New York: Modern Library, 1936
Complete works of Rabelais
Jacques LeClercq, translator
New York: Modern Library, 1936
premiere position
La chemise est la première pièce du vêtement.
François Rabelais [ca. 1483 – ca. 1553]
Le Tiers Livre
Jean Céard, editor
Librarie Général Français, 1995
Le Tiers Livre
Jean Céard, editor
Librarie Général Français, 1995